KESAL is a public outdoor training center located in Kenya, focused on providing experiential learning, leadership development, and adventure-based programs for individuals and groups of all ages.
KESAL offers a wide range of programs including leadership workshops, team building activities, wilderness survival training, outdoor education, and adventure expeditions.
KESAL programs are open to individuals, schools, colleges, corporate groups, nonprofit organizations, and community groups interested in personal growth, leadership skills, and team building.
You should apply through your respective County Liquor Licensing Committee who will vet your application after which you will be issued with a liquor license.
The key mandate of the Authority is to ensure the effective regulation, administration, supervision and control of the private security industry in Kenya.
• Company certificate of incorporation or formal registration documents;
• Certified copies of identification documents (certified copies of passport in case of a foreign national) for every director, partner, trustee, shareholder;
• Valid certificate of good conduct for every director, partner, trustee, shareholder;
• Certified shareholders certificate CR12;
• Copy of KRA pin Certificate for the company and all directors, partners, trustees, shareholders;
• Three years audited accounts of the firm;
• Two recent colored passport size photos of every director, partner, trustee, shareholder;
• Immigration status and a valid work permit in case of an expatriate;
• Physical address, email address and telephone number of every director, partner, trustee, shareholder;
• Names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of persons performing executive functions in respect of the security firms.
It is a written expression of displeasure and dissatisfaction over discriminatory treatment that sets out reasons and circumstances that the complainant believes offer sufficient ground to support their claim against another person, persons or entity. The basis of the action in question must be ethnic, racial or religious.
Discrimination: Unfair treatment towards or against a person of a certain group on the basis of ethnicity /race, religion; it involves excluding or restricting members of a one group from opportunities that are available to other groups like employment, property ownership, and access to public resources.
Harassment: Violation of a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment on the basis of ethnicity, race and color.
Hate Speech: Use of threatening, inciting, abusive or insulting words or behavior, or display of any written material with the intention of stirring up ethnic hatred.